
Electrical Repair & Troubleshooting Level 1 Training Increase Reliability & On Time Performance Minimize Delays Prevent Cancellations
​ Level 1 of the GlennCo Certification of Electrical Wiring Interconnection Systems on Transport Category Aircraft
Curriculum Objectives
The primary objective of this Aircraft Electrical Repair & Troubleshooting Class is to provide the technician with the comprehension and technical knowledge coupled with the practical training to comply with the Standard Wiring Practices & Procedures' This instructor led training provides the technician with the skills & confidence to perform wiring repair and troubleshooting as required in the line maintenance environment.
The objective of this practical training course is allow your technicians to troubleshoot and make the repairs "and not" have to wait for your AOG Team or a Third Party Technician creating a lengthy delay or even worse a cancellation.
Curriculum Overview
This curriculum is to provide the Line and Base Maintenance Technician with the instructional training necessary for comprehension and application of the Standard Wiring Practices Manual as well as an introduction to Wiring Diagrams and System Schematics.
Instruction and Practical training of Installation & Pinning of Cannon Plugs, Terminal Blocks, Burndy Blocks, Enviroirmental Splices , Heat Shrink Splices and Circuit Breakers. Daniels Tooling will be taught through the use of Standard Wiring Practices Manual Procedures, Wiring Diagrams, and System Schematics
Instructor Led Instruction on Daniels tools and contactor selection, crimp procedures and inspection as well as Technician Practical Training conducted utilizing Tooling & Crimp Procedures followed by each technician being provided a complete set of Danilels Tooling and each tecnician individually completing the practical training under the direct guidance and expertise of the instructor.
Instruction on the operation and practical uses of the Multi Meter & the Milli-Ohm Meter for the purpose of troubleshooting and repair using AC & DC Voltages and Amps, Continuity, and Resistance readings including recognition of opens & shorts
Instructor led wire repairs using environmental splices, solder sleeves, and terminal lugs.
Instruction of New Wiring Part Numbers, Runs and Wiring Installation utilizing wiring diagrams & Standard Wiring Practices procedures
Prerequisites for Enrollment
Student must hold the appropriate maintenance authorizations from the governing entity responsible for the oversight of maintenance operations to be conducted while utilizing this wiring practices training.
3 days Course held in Dallas, Texas Pricing opon request