
Advanced Electrical & Avionic Troubleshooting & Fundamentals Level 2
Level 2 of the GlennCo Certification of Electrical Wiring Interconnection Systems on Transport Category Aircraft
Curriculum Objectives
The primary objective of this Advanced Aircraft Troubleshooting & Fundamentals Class is to provide the technician with the comprehension and technical knowledge to comply with the wiring practices & procedures as well as the skills & confidence to perform wiringtroubleshooting with defect rectification as desperately needed in the line maintenance environment.
The absloute benefit of this course is that each technicans troubleshooting skills data is captured and emailed to the your training department confirming your best and top troubleshooters.
The DATA we capture :
1- The Total Time it takes to fix the defect and perform an operational check
2- The Total Number of Meter Interactions
3- The Number of Parts Replaced with their associated total cost
4- The Total Cost to replace Meters destroyed or rendered unuseable
Curriculum Overview
This curriculum is to provide the Line and Base Maintenance Technician with the instructional training necessary to comprehension and application of the Standard Wiring Practices Manual as well as an introduction to Wiring Diagrams and System Schematics.
The students are presented with an overview of the FAA Human Factors PEAR model, as well as the FAA’s method of investigating aircraft related incidents.
The module “Basic Electricity” presents the students with the basic knowledge of what electricity is. It provides an overview of the building blocks of matter, defines protons, electrons, atoms. What are conductors and what are insulators, and why. What are electric charges, magnetism, defines DC and AC current. Covers series and parallel circuits, Ohms law, shorts and opens. Describes resistance, capacitors and capacitance, and diodes.
Logic Symbols Introduction introduces digital logic. The student is presented with the symbols representing digital logic gates and their truth tables. Each logic gate is presented with interactive examples to describe their functions. Building on this knowledge, the student is presented with a series of increasingly difficult interactive circuits they have to solve.
The Logic Circuits module presents the students with logic circuits as used in aviation schematics. It introduces the student to the System Schematic Manual definitions. Presents example schematics from the SSM to begin to challenge the student’s comprehension of real-world usage of digital logic. Explains proximity sensors as inputs to logic using the Door Warning System. Introduction to logic symbols in the External Power system. Uses the APU ignition and Starting system to visualize control inputs to digital logic and how the SSM can span multiple sheets.
Signal Flow Fundamentals introduces the student to an overview of deductive and inductive reasoning and a four-step process to troubleshooting. Explains the Paths of Influence concept and a four-step process
The student is led through a progressing series of hands-on interactions that challenge them to begin applying the four-step process to quickly identify critical paths and repair actions.
Introduction to Voltmeters begins by introducing the student to an interactive Digital Multi-Meter. Measuring AC and DC voltages, measuring resistance, testing diodes, continuity testing including recognition of opens & shorts. Includes interactive example circuits from the Fuel Pump system, 3-Phase system examples, Nose Taxi light system. Introduces the student to the Wiring Diagram Manual WDM. WDM Symbols, differences between the SSM and WDM.
The troubleshooting modules are interactive course modules that tie all of the previous elements together, and are based on Boeing 767 aircraft systems. Each one presents the student with a PIREP describing a problem with the aircraft. An interactive screen allows the student to perform a functional test, the AMM and FIM sections for the related problem are available, as well as an interactive SSM and WDM diagrams. The student is tracked along with a running cost total for parts and labor. The student uses the knowledge they gained from the previous modules to troubleshoot and identify the faulty component. There are multiple modules for these systems:
Landing Light System
Fuel Pump System
External Power
Engine Fire Detection
Pitot Heat
The student uses the virtual voltmeter to make measurements at various points in the schematic and wiring diagrams. They can change switch states, and open-close circuit breakers as they apply logic and the four-step process to pinpoint which component is defective.
Prerequisites for Enrollment
Student must hold the appropriate maintenance authorizations from the governing entity responsible for the oversight of maintenance operations to be conducted while utilizing this wiring practices training.
3 Days Training Courses Delivered at the Customers Location World Wide Pricing up on request
es of hands-on